Moon orbits the Earth in an elliptical orbit, sometimes it goes far away while sometime it comes very near to the earth. A supermoon happens when the full moon has closest approach to Earth in its orbit.
How a Supermoon occurs?
As I have stated above that the moon doesn't orbit earth in a perfect circle. It has closest and farthest approach to Earth which actually changes every lunar month (month in the moon). The reason behind this is the total gravitational forces applied on moon by Earth, Sun and other planets.
What it needs?
There are two main things that are very necessary to create a supermoon:
The moon needs to be at its closest distance with sun in its orbit period of 27 days, and
The moon needs to be full moon which happens ever 29.5 earth days.
The supermoon does not happen every month because as moon orbits around the earth, earth also orbits around the sun. So, a difference in orientation cause supermoon invisibility, that's why we don't see a supermoon every month.
The End Notes
The supermoon have a really fresh and positive impact on Earths climate. According to Indian Vedas, moon is the god who provides honeydew. And I thought that this time Supermoon will effect and stop the spread of virus. Well, I know that I am talking against Science but intellectually this is filling me with positivity. And I want you all to feel strong and positive in this period of pandemic. Well that's all for today. Will talk about more interesting things in next article.